Last edited by sinking flowers at 2013-1-16 14:44 Edit

Various six peptides PK
This is what I used in the past year all six peptides products, make a summary of this comment, share with friends.
these six peptides were three company's products, the concentration of high and low, I only use the sense of effectiveness and to be evaluated.
use the most comfortable product : ISO six peptides. This product is the most gentle, completely non-irritating. I only use it to when the eye cream, so use is limited experience feelings of wrinkles. Out of a bottle of the evaluation is that this product will wrinkle, the effect is not obvious, only a little effect. Perhaps peptides slow effect so affected. But the slow effective product, it is easy to lose confidence in it. Therefore, there is no re-entry of this bottle runs out.
use the most ineffective products : JB's E7. Completely ineffective.
use a little effect but feel too painful to use products : JB eye cream. Thorn in the eye too painful.
So far, personal feeling most cost effective products : JB's CE. This is very suitable for whole face with toning effects. Because there is no local use, so no way to know wrinkle effect. This cream has a drawback is that too much like emulsion.
In addition, and even more new entrants to the a group of six peptides produced using the experience :
the time is shorter, wrinkle effect is uncertain. But cheap bowl that for sure. JB this product texture and eye cream texture is similar, colorless,coach2013包包型錄, transparent cream texture, stiffness is relatively high. The downside is that this group produced products and other products, the seller said Caviar adds stuff like that makes me unhappy. In fact, producing a solid job peptide group is the best, and most will choose the product of human peptide, already roe,coach2013包包型錄, lotus roots and the like additives are not cold. But this product MS adds flavor, there is a cheesy flavor. Unfortunately, most people are a little stimulation. This stimulation does not make the skin sensitive, but the eyes and JB lacrimal gland to stimulate the same kind of essence. But overall, this is still a product worth looking forward to. Mission peptide production, price is good. This product is currently I only use in the eye, be it bullying anti-wrinkle effect.

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